Programme Business Manager High-level athletes

Master I RH

Deployment of HRIS and e-HR

Master I et II RH

HRM, GPEC and HR Performance


Inbound marketing applied to recruitment:

the new deal 

The application of inbound marketing to the recruitment process in the age of all things digital and the emergence of generation Z. Today, this is an essential practice for improving the efficiency of the recruitment process while optimising the associated costs.


If, like the Bourgeois gentilhomme, recruiters have for a long time been marketing without realising it, they are now well aware of the fact and want to develop their strategy to become more professional. But what do they really mean by this? In four words: attracting, converting, recruiting and retaining talent. There's no doubt about it, they're speaking the same language as marketers. So why not draw inspiration from their methods? Focus on inbound recruiting.

Conférence adressée au réseau de dirigeants d'entreprise:


Home office:

the conditions for a results-oriented approach


Faced with the economic challenges of business continuity and government incentives, HR departments have been forced to make maximum use of teleworking within a tight schedule.

Companies now have to integrate the way teams function, with members no longer meeting up as often as they used to. Between generational, motivational and managerial approaches, you are invited to reinvent work interactions with a view to achieving results.

 Conférence adressée au réseau de DRH:



The challenges of employee retention


There is a lot at stake for companies today, at every level. Competition is fierce, and customers have more and more bargaining power.


What are the main loyalty-building tools and how important are they in helping employees to stay with the company?

How can salary, but also working conditions, pressure, well-being and management style be integrated into the loyalty levers? How can we establish a link between management and team loyalty? In 2023, what makes a good manager? What do employees expect in terms of management?

Conférence adressée au réseau de dirigeants d'entreprise: